If you have just subscribed to Finary Lite, Finary Plus or Finary Pro, it may take a few minutes for it to be effective on all your devices.
However, if your subscription is not active after an hour, we invite you to follow the following steps:
1) Check that your subscription is still active
To do this, check the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store if you subscribed on mobile, or this page if you subscribed on our website.
Also check that you are logged in to the same Finary account on your different devices. To do this, go to your account settings to check the email address associated with your account:
My account on the web version
My account on the mobile app
2) Restore purchases from the app
If your subscription is not taken into account on the app, you will then see a screen asking you to subscribe (paywall). Scroll down the page: a Restore purchase option will displayed at the very bottom. Click on it to enforce your subscription. If this still doesn't work, contact us and we can help you.
How to access the paywall?
Finary Pro
Go to the app settings
Select Family and Companies
Select the Companies tab
Select Add a company
The paywall is displayed, with the Restore purchase option at the bottom (see screenshot below)
Finary Plus
Finary Lite
Initiate the search to add an account
Select an institution
If you have already linked 3 institutions, the paywall is displayed, with the Restore purchase option at the bottom