Our recurring expense detection feature helps you easily identify and manage recurring payments, such as subscriptions, bills, or regular purchases. By automating this process, we save you time and give you a clearer view of your recurring financial commitments.
How Does It Work?
To detect recurring expenses, we analyze your transactions over the past 6 months (starting from the beginning of the current month). Here's how it works:
Grouping Transactions
Transactions are grouped based on their name and amount.
We allow for slight variations: 4–5% in amount and 10% in name.
At least 3 transactions are required to detect a recurring pattern.
Detecting a Frequency
Once transactions are grouped, we calculate the number of days between consecutive transactions.
The most common frequency is selected, with a 10% variation allowed in the number of days (e.g., ±3 days for monthly payments).
Filtering Abnormal Patterns
If the frequency or amounts vary too much (high standard deviation), the transaction is excluded as non-recurring.
Example: Payments at Carrefour made on inconsistent dates (1st of the month, then on the 6th, the 8th, and the 9th) with variable amounts (€100, €104, €96, €102) would be excluded due to excessive variability.
Confidence Score
The confidence score reflects the consistency of the transactions:
100% confidence is given when amounts and dates are identical each month.
A lower confidence score is displayed if dates or amounts vary slightly.
Additional Features